Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello from Nans-sous-Ste.-Anne

Hey, Friends!

My name is Max and I'm a Marmot.  I live in Nans-sous-Ste.-Anne, but not for long.  My friends have invited me for a trip around Europe to show you what it's like to live in other countries.  We'll meet new people.  See new places.

But we have to watch out for my enemy, Ned the Dog.  Ned wants to eat me and he's very fast.  But he's also pretty dumb.

Nans is in the Jura Mountains, which is in France.
The golden part of the map of France is the Jura Mountains.  Nans is right in the middle.
To get to France, you would have to take an airplane and fly to Paris, which is a very big city.  But Nans is still very far and you would have to take a car or a train.  It's very small and only 150 people live here.  People and marmots have lived together in Nans for thousands of years.

I actually live high in the mountains above Nans, in the Chateau (SHAT-OH) du Sainte Anne.  It isn't as nice as it sounds.  It hasn't been a Chateau for hundreds of years and now it's really just a pile of rocks.
Nans has a funny name.  That's because it is under the ruins of the Chateau and "sous" is how the French say "under."  You can say "sous," too.  It's pronounced "soo."  So Nans-sous-Ste-Anne means Nans, under Ste. Anne.

I have to go because Ned is sniffing around.  But next time, I'll tell you about the history of Nans and introduce you to some of my friends that live here.  Good bye, or as we say in France, Au Revoir!  (Oh Rivwah!)

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