Sunday, September 23, 2012

Everyone Loves Pizza

Just like in the US, kids in France love pizza.  Grownups do too.

Today in Saline Les Bains, I stopped to have a Pizza with my new friend Camille.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello from Nans-sous-Ste.-Anne

Hey, Friends!

My name is Max and I'm a Marmot.  I live in Nans-sous-Ste.-Anne, but not for long.  My friends have invited me for a trip around Europe to show you what it's like to live in other countries.  We'll meet new people.  See new places.

But we have to watch out for my enemy, Ned the Dog.  Ned wants to eat me and he's very fast.  But he's also pretty dumb.